Developed by world-renowned musculoskeletal expert Dr. Andreo Spina, Functional Range Conditioning® is a comprehensive joint training system based in scientific principals and research.

FRC is a system of training which applies scientific methods to the acquisition and maintenance of functional mobility, resilience, health and longevity.


  • Mobility Development

    Mobility refers to the amount of active, usable motion that one possesses. The more mobile a person is, the more they are able to maximize their movement potential safely, efficiently, and effectively.

  • Joint Strength

    While improving mobility and movement potential, the FRC® system also acts to ‘bullet proof’ (or safe-guard) your joints so that movement can be executed safely.

  • Body Control

    Training with FRC® improves the function of your nervous system. This leads to a reduction of pain and injury, joint health and longevity, as well as an increased ability to move freely and easily.